Gil Hedley

Gil Hedley has been guiding fellow somanauts in exploring the human form through hands-on dissection since 1996. His approach is one of integral anatomy, which he himself defines:
"Integral anatomy is a study of the whole person, by the whole person, which consciously approaches its subject with the physical point as an entrance point for discovery. The physical body is studied itself as a whole, layer by layer, moving past mechanical models of form for more organic ones. The goal of integral anatomy is integration, both of the layers of the body, and the levels of the person, physical, emotional, intentional and spiritual." 
From this perspective, Gil's exploration of "inner space" is relevant to anyone curious about their own inner terrain and who they think they are. For those possessing such a curiosity, a host of resources can be found at I can't recommend his work and an experience studying in lab with him highly enough to anyone who inhabits a body.