Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Cassie Meder,  Human Anatomy Series No. 3 Bleeding Heart
Listening to Ricky Kendall and feeling my heart full. The gift of hearing another being speak has been striking me repeatedly for days now. The woman in line at the pharmacy. The 3-year-old son of my client, who informed his mom, "I can do whatever I want," revealing that the same is undeniably true for all of us, all the time. My landlord, who I probably wouldn't have shared words with today had I not spontaneously risen from my seat and morning coffee by my back door to wander toward the mailbox. Struck by how we meet when there's no intention to meet, and how that happens all the time, over and over throughout a day. Struck by the wonder of that, and how nothing is making that happen.

Even more wondrous is the beauty that each interaction is bringing. Like each moment reminds me that I am lucky, so lucky to live, in the words of Mary Oliver, this one wild and precious life. And then there's sadness at the thought of leaving here for almost a month, coupled with gratefulness for friends and neighbors and popsicles and farmer's market and music and students and temps above 80. As if beauty won't follow me where I'm going...